Favourites Survey
SACS - Autumn 2024 Favourites Survey
Cut off date MONDAY 30th September
In order that our director Amie can develop her plans for Repetoire Practice from the June 2023 SACS library, we are asking SACS members if they will chose items from the Music Library that they like singing.
Instructions for ONLINE submission:
1) Please scroll and note the TEN pieces you like singing from the Library list below (All should be in your folder)
2) Please add ONE from any of the new ones Amie issued last year as well
3) Put your selection IN AN EMAIL to Ron Smith who is a Bass Singer, on the Steering Committee and the Data Recorder. the CUT OFF DATE for submission is MONDAY 30TH SEPTEMBER
The Email Address for Ron is available from the Link Button below CLICK HEREĀ
Please click 'Print out' link button below to Generate a Paper copy as issued at practices.
Mark the TEN pieces you most like and hand in at a Practice by 30th Sept with your name on Row 65